Astrology Horoscopes & Numerology Readings

              When faced with life's challenges, how do you approach what lies ahead?

Do you plow head first into the storm without knowledge or preparation? Or do you seek any help you can get that may make it easier to move forward towards a better outcome?

If you are seeking help that can make the path easier and more understandable, then the knowledge your personal Astrological Horoscope Chart and a Numerology Reading each provide can help you weather life's storms.

Foreknowledge that you are headed into a difficult personal growth time with challenges and lessons ahead is easier to deal with if you can see an end to the stressful period. Knowing when you are in a period of opportunity can help you take full advantage of it.

We offer both Numerology Readings and various types of Sidereal Astrological Horoscope Charts to meet the needs that exist today. Tropical Astrological Horoscope Charts describe the environmental situations you may encounter. Sidereal Horoscope Charts describe how the changes  occuring will affect your personal spiritual growth.

Our Numerology readings give insight into who you are, what energy you are vibrating to others, what areas you are needing to improve, where you are in the current cycle, what days are best for specific actions and more.

We can also provide specialized guidance to those seeking to create a name for a business that brings results. We can explain the energy changes to those who are considering a name change and the life time energy of a baby name to soon-to-be-parents in the process of choosing a baby name.

We offer the following Numerology Readings and Astrological Charts:

Basic Numerology Reading - $90

Name Selection Guidance Reading (Business or Personal) - $150

Basic Natal Birth Horoscope Chart & Report - $35.00 - Email price
Basic Natal Birth Horoscope Chart & Report - $40.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)
Basic Natal Birth Chart Horoscope Chart & Report- $300 - I personally prepare this chart interpretation
Child Natal Horoscope Chart & Report - $35.00 - Email price
Child Natal Horoscope Chart & Report - $40.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Keeping Healthy Chart & Report - $35.00 - Email price
Keeping Healthy Chart & Report - $40.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Composite Chart & Report - $35.00 - Email price
Composite Chart & Report - $40.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Relationship Chart - $40.00 Email price
Relationship Chart - $45.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)
Relationship Chart - $350.00 - I personally prepare this chart interpretation

Synastry Chart - $35.00 - Email price
Synastry Chart - $40.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Solar Return Chart - $50.00 - Email
Solar Return Chart - $60.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Lunar Return Chart for 12 months - $50.00 - Email
Lunar Return Chart - $60.00 - Print & Mail price (Shipping charges will be added to price)

Life Purpose Chart - $600 - I personally prepare this chart interpretation