Nigerian Dwarf Goats for Sale

2025 Nigerian Dwarf Goat Kids
Our next goat babies will be born in Spring of 2025.
Purchase of our goats includes AGS registration paperwork preparation, tattooing, dis-budding (dehorning) and first CD& T shot and a second CD & T (booster) shot. We can give you copies of the dam and sire registrations for ADGA registration (dual registration) if needed.
An Intact Buck must be paid for in full by three weeks of age to hold him. Wethers and does require a 50% non-refundable deposit to hold a specific goat and a second 50% payment in cash at pickup.
We include information on caring for the goats and what supplies are needed. We can email that information before you come to pick them up. You need to have a medium size dog crate to transport them in at time of pickup.
Goats need another goat for a companion so we do not sell just one goat unless you can show you already own a goat for a companion. Pigs, horses, sheep, livestock, poultry, turtles, etc are not suitable companions for goats. You need to own at least two goats as they are a herd animal. They will be much happier and get into less trouble with a goat playmate.
Check with your City, County and HOA to be sure goats are permitted before purchasing and for their specific requirements for fencing and housing. Many cities and counties now allow goats but HOA's may not. Most Cities and Counties have specific requirements that must be met in order to have goats on your property. Don't assume you know - call and ask.
We will accept an early deposit for a buckling born in 2025 and refund it only if no male goat kids are born in 2025.