Welcome to the Mystic T Ranch
We breed and sell Gentle High Fiber Top Quality North American Tibetan Yaks. We also sell Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats. We handle our yaks and goats everyday from birth. They are imprinted at birth which makes them easy to work with. We have experience in halter and pack training yaks.

North American Foundation Herd Yaks
Registered Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats

Mystic T Ranch Yaks
We imprint and handle at birth all yaks born on our ranch. Weanling age or older is too late to begin imprinting and training of yaks if you want truly gentle yaks. Developing Trust starting on the day of a yak's birth is the best way to have Gentle, Fiber animals. We never tie our yaks during halter training to rails or posts for hours, days or weeks to force them to accept a halter and lead. We have found love, trust and respect is the best way to work with yaks.
Breeding and Raising Gentle, High Fiber, Top Quality Yaks is our focus. If you want tame, easy to work with yaks for Fiber, for Pasture Pets or for Packing - come meet our yaks. They are amazing!
They are amazing!
Mountain High Contracts is a Property Enhancement business providing hay & tall grass cutting services for smaller acreages.
We help Property Owners enhance their Property through custom haying and tall grass cutting. With over 10 years of smaller acreage haying experience, we can help you improve your property's looks and safety with ease.
Mystic T Ranch Nigerian Dwarf Dairy Goats
We imprint and handle at birth all goats born on our ranch. Weanling age or older is too late to begin imprinting and socializing of kids if you want truly gentle goats for milking or as pets. Developing Trust starting on the day of a kid's birth is the best way to have Gentle Milking and Show animals. We do lots of handling early and start halter training just before weaning. We have found love, trust and respect is the best way to work with goats.
If you want tame, easy to work with goats for Show, for Milking, for Breeding or Pasture Pets - come meet our Goats. You'll want to take them all home!

Mind to Spirit Pathways Colorado is an Art Business with an Online Gallery of Art & Gift Products. We also sell our products at our Ranch located North of Bennett, Colorado and on Etsy.
Check out our Featured Art page to see our newest products.
Our Artist creates wildlife & nature paintings on rocks, wood products and canvas in addition to producing wood carvings, needlework, jewelry, soy candles and goat milk soaps plus much more. Our artist also provides Personalized Consultations in Feng Shui, Numerology and Typology.